18 Degrees will be operating as an Emergency Childcare Center starting Tuesday, March 31, 2020. Emergency Childcare services have been established to provide care for children whose families are providing essential services – health care workers, first responders, and grocery store staff are in that category. 18 Degrees is not allowed to provide childcare for our regular families unless they fit the eligibility requirements the state has established for Emergency Childcare. This care is ONLY to provide emergency, back-up, drop-in care for vulnerable families and workers who have no other option.
Download the registration form here.
Who can attend emergency child care?
Emergency drop-in child care programs are opening to provide emergency, back-up, drop-in child care for vulnerable families and members of essential workforces who have no other option. Parents and guardians working from home are not a priority for emergency child care. Likewise, if you have alternate child care, such as friends or family, you should not be using this service. In light of Governor Baker’s March 23 emergency order, priority access to emergency child care will be given to vulnerable children and the children of families designated as ” COVID-19 Essential Workforces,” with emphasis on those in the health care, public health, and human services and law enforcement, public safety, and first responder fields. To slow the spread of the coronavirus, all families should keep children out of group care settings to the greatest extent possible. Emergency Child Care Programs are for when all other non-group-care settings have been exhausted and families have no other options.
Can I reserve my spot at Emergency Childcare?
You can notify us at drop off if your child will return the following day
Please do not have your child bring any items from home – we will have supplies which have been cleaned per the Department of Health Guidelines.
Emergency Childcare will be offered 7:30 AM – 5:30 PM Monday through Friday.
2 years 9 months through 12 years of age may attend upon availability.
Please fill out the forms here, and either email to eweller@18degreesma.org or bring them with your child. Call the office with any questions 413-448-8281 ext. 211
This is a FREE service, and includes breakfast, lunch, and snacks.