By: Alison Mengel, Director of Permanency
At a recent monthly Comprehensive Foster Care meeting, the DCF Regional Placement Coordinator began by asking the large group, “What is Andrea Bateman doing that has workers and kids asking for her BY NAME?”
Andrea was equally surprised and amused by this story. However, this accolade came as no surprise to those who have worked with her over the past six years. Andrea is kind, empathic, and humble. She is a quiet and thoughtful listener and observer. Andrea relates well with a wide range of children, both older and younger ones, and she has developed a relationship based on respect and kindness with each of her foster parents, a true partnership,
She is keenly aware that she is one member of a child’s large team. She makes informed and inspired decisions after collaborating with the team. Andrea has recently managed some very complex and challenging cases. One involved a young man, “Jay,” almost twenty years old, who had nowhere to live. When finally, a program was identified, and Jay agreed to go, the catch was that he could not bring his closest friend and ally, his cat, Jinx. This could have been a deal-breaker. With thought and the agreement of his team and her domestic team, Andrea is now fostering Jinx until she and Jay are in a position to reunify. Jinx is beginning to adjust, getting used to Andrea’s two big dogs and two young children.
In her spare time, Andrea enjoys playing the piano and spending time at the beach with her family.